Lucy of 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' fame dies

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Lucy of 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' fame dies

Mensaje por MERSEY BOY »

Lucy of 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' fame dies
AP, Sep 28, 2009 10:00 am PDT

Lucy Vodden, who provided the inspiration for the Beatles' classic song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds," has died after a long battle with lupus. She was 46.Her death was announced Monday by St. Thomas' Hospital in London, where she had been treated for the chronic disease for more than five years, and by her husband, Ross Vodden. Britain's Press Association said she died last Tuesday. Hospital officials said they could not confirm the day of her death.
Vodden's connection to the Beatles dates back to her early days, when she made friends with schoolmate Julian Lennon, John Lennon's son.
Julian Lennon, then 4 years old, came home from school with a drawing one day, showed it to his father, and said it was "Lucy in the sky with diamonds."
At the time, John Lennon was gathering material for his contributions to "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band," a landmark album released to worldwide acclaim in 1967.

The elder Lennon seized on the image and developed it into what is widely regarded as a psychedelic masterpiece, replete with haunting images of "newspaper taxis" and a "girl with kaleidoscope eyes."Rock music critics thought the song's title was a veiled reference to LSD, but John Lennon always claimed the phrase came from his son, not from a desire to spell out the initials LSD in code.
Vodden lost touch with Julian Lennon after he left the school following his parents' divorce, but they were reunited in recent years when Julian Lennon, who lives in France, tried to help her cope with the disease.
He sent her flowers and vouchers for use at a gardening center near her home in Surrey in southeast England, and frequently sent her text messages in an effort to buttress her spirits.
"I wasn't sure at first how to approach her," Julian Lennon told the Associated Press in June. "I wanted at least to get a note to her. Then I heard she had a great love of gardening, and I thought I'd help with something she's passionate about, and I love gardening too. I wanted to do something to put a smile on her face."
In recent months, Vodden was too ill to go out most of the time, except for hospital visits.
She enjoyed her link to the Beatles, but was not particularly fond of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."
"I don't relate to the song, to that type of song," she told the Associated Press in June. "As a teenager, I made the mistake of telling a couple of friends at school that I was the Lucy in the song and they said, 'No, it's not you, my parents said it's about drugs.' And I didn't know what LSD was at the time, so I just kept it quiet, to myself."
Vodden is the latest in a long line of people connected to the Beatles who died at a relatively young age.
The list includes John Lennon, gunned down at age 40, manager Brian Epstein, who died of a drug overdose when he was 32, and original band member Stuart Sutcliffe, who died of a brain hemorrhage at 21.
A spokeswoman for Julian Lennon and his mother, Cynthia Lennon, said they were "shocked and saddened" by Vodden's death.
Angie Davidson, a lupus sufferer who is campaign director of the St. Thomas' Lupus Trust, said Vodden was "a real fighter" who had worked behind the scenes to support efforts to combat the disease.
"It's so sad that she has finally lost the battle she fought so bravely for so long," said Davidson.
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Mensaje por for_no_one »

Acá una versión en español.

Muere mujer que inspiró canción "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"
LONDRES (Reuters) - La mujer que inspiró la icónica canción de la banda británica The Beatles "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" falleció, dijo el lunes una organización benéfica.
Lucy O'Donnell fue una amiga de la infancia de Julian, el hijo de John Lennon, y el título de la canción está inspirado en un dibujo que hizo de su amiga en la escuela.
"Es Lucy en el cielo con diamantes", explicó Julian a su padre cuando llevó el dibujo a su casa.
Muchos seguidores creyeron que el clásico éxito de 1967, grabado para el álbum "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", fue un elogio oculto a la droga alucinógena LSD.
Pero O'Donnell, una ama de casa que adoptó el apellido Vodden de su esposo, reveló hace dos años que ella fue la fuente de inspiración.
"Recuerdo a Julian y a mí haciendo dibujos sobre un caballete de dos caras, lanzando pintura el uno al otro, para el espanto de los asistentes de la clase", dijo O'Donnell a la radio BBC en el 2007.
"Julian había pintado el retrato y ese día en particular su padre apareció con el chofer en la escuela para buscarlo", agregó.
La fundación St Thomas Lupus dijo que O'Donnell falleció a los 46 años luego de perder su lucha contra el lupus, una enfermedad autoinmune.
La institución informó que Julian y su madre Cynthia, la primera esposa de Lennon, se encontraban "impactados y entristecidos por la muerte de Lucy".
"Es muy triste que ella finalmente perdiera la lucha que enfrentó con tanta valentía y durante tanto tiempo", dijo Angie Davidson, directora de campaña de la fundación.

[img][540:205] ... loubob.png[/img]

Bye, Lucy, the girl with kaleidoscope eyes
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que descanse :D
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daniel´s hammer
Mr. Kite
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:'( so long Lucy (L)
ya todos t stamos scuchando n 5.1
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Mensaje por diegox123 »

la verdad una pena, una mujer tan joven :'( :'(

te robo la frase, for_no_one, porque me gusto mucho.

Bye, Lucy, the girl with kaleidoscope eyes :(
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Roxy Sadie
Ravi Shankaar
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Descansa en paz, Lucy, ahora si estaras en el cielo rodeada de diamantes (F)
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Beatlemano insensato
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Mensaje por Michelle_70 »

Pobre Lucy :(. Que triste que se haya muerto. Descansa en paz, Lucy (F) :'( :(
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Mensaje por Eterno »

Tuvo el privilegio de escribirse en la historia Beatle como fuente de inspiración.

Mira a la chica con el sol en los ojos y se ha ido.. (F)
All together now!
Los Beatles son ley
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Mensaje por Eowyn »

tan joven, es muy triste, el lado bueno es que ya es inmortal porque esta su esprititu en una hermosa cancion icono...
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Mensaje por Roberto Amau »

Joven y bella, una pena...parece que alla arriba querian juntar al compositor y protagonista de tan buena cancion.
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon (en "Beautiful boy")
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Mensaje por ReVoLuTiOn »

Look for the girl with the kalaidoskope eyes and she's gone

Oh que rayos Lucy se ha ido de entre nosotros, lo siento Lucy, estupida enfermedad de lupus.

Descanse en Paz (F) Lucy Vodden (F)
Girl, Girl,(8)
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Mensaje por Dieguux »

Descansa en Paz, Lucy, in the Sky with Diamonds..... (F) (F) :'( :'(